D C Money Pty Ltd trading as Fortis Funding is a finance broker. We offer financial products and provide credit assistance in respect of asset finance, personal loans, commercial finance and finance leases to approved applicants. We process and assess information in respect of loan and finance lease applications.
In order for us to provide products and services it is necessary for us to collect ‘personal information’ such as your name, identity details, contact details, and other personal details where needed (such as gender, marital status and financial information). We do not use or share that information for any purpose other than the preparation of finance applications or the sale of finance products or as otherwise notified to you at the time we collect such information.
Generally, we do not collect ‘sensitive information’ about you unless required by law or where it is relevant to the product or service being provided, and where you have consented for us to do so. Sensitive information includes information relating to:
• race,
• political or religious beliefs,
• sexual preferences,
• criminal convictions,
• membership of professional or trade associations or unions, and
• biometric and health related information.
As far as practicable, we collect your personal information directly from you or from persons acting on your behalf. This occurs when you complete our forms, when you visit our web-site, when you call or email us. We may also collect personal information about you from publicly available sources, and in some cases, from third parties including:
• a credit reporting body,
• someone authorised by you such as; an agent, a broker, an accountant, a solicitor, a financial counsellor, introducers or a guarantor,
• a referee,
• an employer,
• a government body,
• a financial institution, or
• our agents.
We may collect personal information about you from your visit to our website through the use of technologies such as cookies. You may be able to set your internet web browser to block or limit cookies, however some features of our website may not work as efficiently, or not at all, if you do so.
We collect and receive personal information about you (including credit information) in order to conduct our business, including assessing and obtaining approval for loans and other products. This means that we may collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information in order to:
• assess your credit application and that of any proposed guarantors of your credit,
• facilitate your role as co-applicant or guarantor for a loan application,
• participate in the credit reporting system and provide information to a credit reporting body,
• manage complaints and disputes,
• meet our legal requirements including those under National Privacy Principles and other laws to relevant authorities,
• search and/or register any personal property securities,
• communicate with you, by way of direct marketing, information about our products and services,
• otherwise communicate with you for the purposes outlined above.
We may be restricted in the nature of the services which we can provide for you if you fail to consent to our collection and use of your personal information. If you do not wish us to contact you concerning direct marketing, you can opt out of such communication by informing us in person, by telephone, by facsimile, by post or by email.
In addition to the use of your personal information as required for the conduct of an effective business relationship with you, we may disclose your personal information:
• to other individuals or companies authorised by you,
• where we are required and authorised to do so by law, such as under the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (Cth),
• if directed by a Court, Tribunal or law enforcement agency in response to a request or in response to a subpoena or to the Australian Taxation Office,
• to people considering acquiring an interest in our business or assets,
• to associated businesses that may want to market products to you, or
• to companies or contractors who we retain to provide services for us, such as IT contractors, call centres, printing houses, mail houses, storage facilities, lawyers, accountants and auditors, who will need to have access to your personal information in order to provide those services.
By providing us with your personal information, you consent to us disclosing your information to such entities without obtaining your approval on a case by case basis.
By providing us with your personal information, you consent to us disclosing your information to entities located outside Australia, such as may be required for cloud storage and IT servers that are located offshore, and, when permitted by law to do so, on the basis that we are not required to take such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to ensure that any overseas recipient complies with Australian privacy laws in relation to your information.
The credit reporting body may provide the information that we report about you to other credit providers to assist them to assess your credit worthiness. If you commit, or have committed, a serious credit infringement, this may be reported by the credit reporting body to other credit reporting agencies. For further information, contact the following credit reporting agency at www.equifax.com.au.
We do not sell personal information for marketing purposes to other organisations or allow such companies to do this.
If, for any of the above purposes, we disclose your personal information to any supplier of services to our business or to any prospective purchaser of our business we shall do so only if it is necessary for the purposes listed above and we shall:
• do so in accordance with National Privacy Principles,
• obtain assurances from those suppliers that they comply with National Privacy Principles.
The credit providers and credit reporting agencies which we use, each have their own commitment to National Privacy Principles.
If we collect government identifiers, such as your tax file number, we will not use or disclose this information other than as is authorised by law. We will never use a government identifier in order to identify you.
We will take reasonable steps to protect your personal information, including credit-related personal information, by storing it in a secure environment, and when the information is no longer needed for a purpose for which the information may be used or disclosed or required by law for retention, it will be destroyed or permanently de-identified. We will also take reasonable steps to protect any personal information from misuse, loss and unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.
We keep personal information in physical and electronic records at our premises. Where this occurs, we take steps to protect personal information against misuse or loss. We may also keep records of our interactions with you (including by telephone, email and online) and your enquiries or complaints.
We are also committed to the notifiable data breaches scheme as required by the Privacy Amendment (Notifiable Data Breaches) Act 2017 which mandates disclosure of a breach, or possible breach, of data privacy when that data breach is likely to result in serious harm to individuals whose personal information is involved.
You may access the information that we hold about you and you may also request that we correct any personal information or credit-related information that we hold about you if you believe that the information is out-of-date, incomplete or incorrect. We will generally rely on you to assist us in informing us as to whether the information we hold about you is inaccurate or incomplete.
You may request access to, or amendment to, your personal information held by us by identifying yourself in person, by e-mail, or by scanned attachments to an email and sending your request to us by:
Email at: john@fortisfunding.com.au
Post at: D C Money Pty Ltd
14 Edgecombe Court,
Moorabbin 3189
If we are unable to grant you access to your personal information, we will advise the grounds for our decision in writing within a reasonable time. These reasons may include instances where providing the information to you might:
• reveal personal information about another individual person,
• pose a threat to the health or safety of another individual person,
• not be permitted by law,
• relate to an existing or anticipated legal proceeding with you,
• reveal internal information of a commercially sensitive nature which is not required to be disclosed to you by National Privacy Principles,
• if your request is thought to be vexatious.
We do not supply your personal information to overseas recipients as part of our information technology systems.
If you are not satisfied with the reasons referred to above or otherwise have any complaint about how we collect, hold, use or disclose your personal information please contact us via the means indicated above.
We will deal with any complaint by investigating the complaint, and by providing a response to the complainant within 15 business days, provided that we have all necessary information and have completed any investigation required. In cases where further information, assessment or investigation is required, we will seek to agree alternative time frames with you.
If you are dissatisfied with our response to your complaint, you may make a complaint to our external dispute resolution scheme, Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) by:
Web-Site at: www.afca.org.au
E-mail at: info@afca.org.au
Phone at: 1800 931 678
Post at: Australian Financial Complaints Authority Limited
GPO Box 3
or you can also contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner by:
Web-site at: www.oaic.gov.au
Phone at: 1300 363 992.
From time to time, we may make changes to this Privacy Policy because of:
• changes to the law,
• changes to technology,
• changes to our systems.
We will notify such changes on our website.
You may request this policy in an alternate form by contacting the General Manager on the above address.